Well it is just about the end of the month and one month into my New Years Resolution of "better time management". Thought I would give you a little update to let you know how I'm doing with it.
This definitely isn't something that will change over night. To have better time management is almost changing who I am as person, because I am trying to permanently change some bad habits I have developed over an entire lifetime. So it has been a slow process, but I have really been trying to work on it.
Baby steps are important and I think the only way I can be successful at anything. Because diving in head-first into something is just way too overwhelming and makes me want to quit before I have even begun. So some little things I have been doing....
1. If I want to workout that day, I get up, gets dressed and head straight to the gym first thing! Even before breakfast. (Or workout at home). Helps me to just get it out of the way so I can go about my day. The longer I procrastinate with working out the bigger the chance I won't do it at all. Plus I notice if I work out in the morning it really gives me energy and gets me motivated to be productive that day.
2. I have also been trying to limit my time on the internet during the morning and afternoon hours. I try to save it for the evening when I am relaxing.
3. If I REALLY don't feel like being very productive any given day, I tell myself get at least one thing accomplished off your To Do list. At least ONE. I figure it is completely doable and hey, one thing is better then nothing at all! Thats one more thing I don't have to do the next day.
So those are a couple things I have been doing. Small changes but still have a big impact on my life. I am going to keep working hard over this next month and let you know my progress.
On an ending note, I have a few things I have learned. Better time management for myself isn't just about checking off as many things as I can off my To Do list. It is so much more then that. It has a lot to do with being honest with myself and knowing what really works for ME. For example I said before how I am going to try to cut down on my morning time. Well I did cut back a little, but it turns out morning time is very important for me and I think I need it. Or another example, Mondays are just a tough day for me so I have accepted that Mondays just aren't going to be the most productive day of the week. It makes me feel a little better giving myself those "breaks" and not being so hard on myself.