Monday, October 25, 2010

I am focusing this week on getting organized! Tiff, post what you used to organize (i.e. bins you used...etc.) and where I can buy them. I know you can buy organizing stuff almost anywhere but I like to hear what works for other people. I wish I could do a weekly plan but my weeks are always changing. Like sometimes we work late and I just don't feel like coming home to cook and clean... or whatever it was I wanted to accomplish that day. And I don't want to set unrealistic goals for myself because then I feel like a failure if I don't accomplish them. I work better with mini goals that I create the day before or the day of. Yesterday I decided that today I was going to get our winter clothes more organized (sweaters and jackets take up so much room!) and also find a better place to keep our shoes and create a type of "command center" where we can keep important mail, receipts, and stuff like that. The beauty of working from home on Mondays is that while I'm capturing video (I do a lot of video editing and when a video is "capturing" I can't do anything else on my computer) I can then do other things around the apartment. Makes me feel very productive!
Looking forward to seeing/hearing what you guys are up to! Britt, post pictures of your paintings!



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