As if free gift cards aren't enough, once I checked the site out I was really excited. The mission of the site is to help people to improve their lives by celebrating simple feats. You can set goals or "feats", like making your bed daily, eating fresh fruit, cooking a homemade meal. So things you might do anyways.
Then there are other feats I love like, "express love" or "feel pure joy". Isn't that wonderful! How often we forget to do little things like that daily, but what could be more important? Goal categories include other great things like health, eating, money, productivity, learning, balance, family, and community.
You get points for completed feats that you can redeem for rewards. I would have loved a site like this without the added incentives (but I'll happily treat myself to free Starbucks any day!).
Sign up is simple and free. You can get 50 free points when you sign up with the code moneysavdf50.
Some tips: Join challenges for more points. They are worth around 75 pts. compared to 1-3 pts you get for most tasks individually. And, very important, as soon as you sign up, go to your profile and uncheck all the boxes for email notifications. (I learned that one the hard way).