Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tiffany's Garden: Transplants!!

Remember these guys from my seedlings post?? Look at them now!! All grown up and on their own in the big world! I'm so proud of them and myself I could cry! This was my first time trying to start a garden from seeds, and I really didn't think I could do it. I can barely keep my poor houseplants alive!  I'm not sure if they'll all make it. My poor green beans aren't looking too happy :(   But, honestly, the whole experience is already one of the most satisfying things I've ever done! And to think they I might actually get to eat something they produce some day..SO amazing!  And check out this amazing drip irrigation...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dining Room Inspiration

So we sold our dining room set recently (ok, it's been a few months now..), so I get to start from scratch re-decorating! Sounds like a dream...but it's a little daunting starting with a completely clean slate. I realized I wasn't even sure of my dining room style. So I scoured some of my favorite sites like, southern living, and potterybarn, and cut and paste pictures I was drawn to into a Word document. And I was really surprised by what I discovered! I really L.O.V.E. informal dining rooms. The cozy, inviting, beach-cottage-in-the-countryside-in-the-mountains-off-a-garden look. I like to call it :) Can...

Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm usually a little afraid to try "healthy" pre-made protein drinks or other health drinks. But Mom bought me one of these to try so I figured I'd give it a shot. I mean, with all the healthy stuff that is packed into the 11oz. container, I figured I could at least force it down to get some nutrients into my body. I took one sip and couldn't believe how good it was! I keep a few of these in our fridge for mornings when we are running late and don't have time to make breakfast or when I know it's going to be awhile before my next meal. I know they are a little pricey, but the convenience of just being able to grab it on the run, and all the...

Monday, April 18, 2011

DIY: Growing Wheatgrass

How Beautiful is this??? I'm officially obsessed with growing wheatgrass now! It was the strangest husband asked one day, out of the blue, if we could start adding wheatgrass to our smoothies...I didn't even know he knew what wheatgrass was...and then it seemed like there were a million blog posts on how easy and fast it is to grow at home. I've been trying to add more live plants around the house, plus, I just looooved the way it looks for Spring and as an Easter decoration. And it's the easiest thing in the world. A nice break from working on my garden seedlings. The toughest part might be finding the seeds if you don't have a natural...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Purge: The Mass Exodus

I wanted to update how my Spring Purge is going. It's been a slow but steady process, which is great because that approach has kept me from stressing about getting everything done at once...which usually leads to me becoming overwhelmed and giving up. After clearing out my master bedroom closet, I put everything into bags and tucked them away in a massive pile in the guest bedroom...where they sat for weeks!  That was totally counterproductive to clearing things out. I had just created a bigger mess to tackle. And I was too overwhelmed to deal with it. It was just too much stuff to shuffle to the basement or to load up my car and...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

DIY: Framed Corkboard Message Center

I wanted to share this cute, quick, easy, functional little organizational project. I was sick of having papers all over the kitchen and only having a calendar of events in my head.   I've had this picture from my first apartment sitting around. I don't really care for the picture, but always really liked the frame.  So I just popped the picture out to use the frame. I used the picture as a template to cut out a piece of corkboard to fit. I've also had my husband's old full-sized corkboard hanging out in my basement storage area. I like the idea of it, but to just put it up as is...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goodbye Vertical Blinds!

I HATE vertical blinds more than almost anything. Brian's giant recliner in the family room is a close second, but at least it's comfortable...yellow-orange wood furniture and regular blinds round off my list...oh, and the white linoleum in our master bedroom...but, I digress... I died a little inside waking up to this every morning in my otherwise beautiful home... so ugly, so cold, so impractical, falling apart every time I tried to open or close them... Brian hated them too, but thought I was crazy when I mentioned we switch them for the curtains in the dining room. But, being the most wonderful and...

Monday, April 11, 2011

DIY: Felt Flowers

As promised, here is the tutorial for the felt flowers from my Spring Wreath post. It's the easiest, most satisfying craft ever. The time I made one I was so excited, I was like a crazy person.. sitting on the floor, surrounding by a sea of felt scraps, just pumping out one felt flower after another. I picked up this felt from Michael's for like $0.30/sheet. You can also get it in bulk at a fabric store, but I wanted the different color options and didn't feel like driving all over town to find the cheapest felt in the area. You'll also need scissors and a glue gun (if you don't have one, you can use this as a great...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

DIY Hair Bow Resources

I've been thinking about making hair bows for my baby girl since before she was born. I don't really go crazy dressing her up, but putting on a bow for special outings is just too precious! They look so simple, but I've been intimidated to try. It stinks being a perfectionist. It's hard for me to try new things because I usually just assume they won't live up to my expectations. I thought I would at least start my bow making adventures by finding some good resources. I hit the jackpot and wanted to share some links. Even if you don't have a baby girl, these bows would make awesome baby shower gifts or "just because"...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Homemade Spring Wreath

I'm a big wreath fan now and want to have one for every season. It just makes the front door and house look so welcoming. I'm so in love with the wreath I made for Spring/Easter and had to share!! I love grape vine wreaths. They are so inexpensive at any craft store. This one was around $4.00 at Michael's. Use the 40% coupons to get them for next to nothing. Sure beats the $30+ premade ones! I may add some ribbon or something to jazz it up a bit still, but I'm perfectly happy with it as is. And yes, I made all the felt flowers myself!! I'm obsessed with felt lately.  I'm planning on making some gorgeous hair bands for...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tiffany' Garden: Seedlings

I've really loved having a vegetable garden the past few years. Nothing fancy, mostly tomatoes, peppers, giant squash,  an eggplant and such. I didn't even like tomatoes until I tasted one fresh picked from the garden. You realize how gross and flavorless everything is from the grocery store. The past few years I've bought plants from the nursery, Lowe's, Home Depot, or Walmart...and they worked out fine. But I've always looked longingly at all the beautiful displays of seeds. Considering my track record with killing countless poor, potted plants, I didn't think I could pull it off.  I realized that I was letting my...