Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Tribute to Our Mom

Our Mom shaped us into who we are today, so I didn't think it was fitting to have a blog written by my sisters and I without including this tribute we wrote and read at her memorial service in June.      Stephanie 1 Corinthians 13:13 says: And now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. I've heard this scripture many times before, and it's such a simple line, but it has never had more meaning to me than now. Faith and hope have certainly helped carry us through these last few weeks...but The greatest of these is love.. and when I think about my mom, all I see is love. When...

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Perfect Start...

I had to take a moment to share with you my most wonderful morning. It's the kind of morning that is so beautiful and the weather is so incredibly perfect, that you could just cry! There is a light, cool fall breeze blowing, the sun is shining crisp in the sky, and even the hummingbirds and butterflies in my yard seem a little extra happy today. I was so enjoying the butterflies joyful floating around my flowers that I couldn't help but get up and join them. I snapped a few quick shots that I thought you might enjoy as much as I did. Can you spot the butterflies?? A...

Take a Deep Breath and Relax

photo credit Don't Ever Doubt Yourself You have so much to offer, so much to give, and so much you deserve to receive in return.  Don't ever doubt that. Know yourself and all of your fine qualities. Rejoice in all your marvelous strengths of mind and body. Be glad for the virtues that are yours, and pat yourself on the back for all  your many admirable achievements. Keep positive.  Concentrate on that which  makes you happy, and build yourself up. Stay nimble of heart,  happy of thought,  healthy of mind, and  well in being - Janet A. Sulliv...

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's here! It's here!

It’s time for fall! YESSSS!!!! I wait all year for the fall season. I feel like I really come alive this time of year! I cannot express to you enough how much I love absolutely everything about the fall, and I’m sure there will be plenty of posts on the way attempting to do just that… My first fall candle of the season! I woke up so excited about fall this morning that I ran out special just to buy this candle because I could not wait to have my house filled with the scent of autumn! Can’t you almost smell the cinnamon apple-y goodness?? This is a great scent I found at Pier One called Golden Apple Orchard. But now, I thought...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heaven in a cup

Okay, so lately my new obsession is iced coffee. like REAL iced coffee. The kind that is cold brewed. It really is the best way to make coffee. When you cold brew coffee you can really taste all the delicious rich, bold flavors of the coffee and prevents the bitterness you get when brewing coffee hot. Here is my recipe for the perfect cup of iced coffee.. 3 cups ground coffee. The darkest and boldest roast you can find. 9 cups cold water. Add ground coffee to a large airtight container. Pour water over coffee grounds. Secure lid onto container and let coffee sit at room temperature 12 hours or overnight. When time is up strain coffee...