One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving are the fun tablescapes! As a kid, I was always the one to decorate the family Thanksgiving table. I loved digging through Mom's box of Thanksgiving decorations and coming up with a fun, clever way to set the dinner table each year.
One of my weird things I like to do around Thanksgiving is to spend some time looking at different Thanksgiving table settings I find online. More so then any other holiday, Thanksgiving just seems to have the most important table decorations in my eyes. Probably because the food is the main event at Thanksgiving and you want the table to look like the star of the show!
I always like the tables that are a bit over the top, flooded with candles, pumpkins, fabrics, and fall decor. Sure, it doesn't leave any room for the food, but that can be figured out later.
Here are some of my favorites from the HGTV website.

I loved this one! I really like all the dark fall colors, the ribbons, the mis-matching of candle sticks, and the small vase of roses in the center. Roses for Thanksgiving, who woulda thought?

This one I just LOVED the dishes. And that's all I have to say about that...

Now this one seems like something I could manage! I love the center filled with gourds, pinecones, and tea-lights. Simple and easy yet very Thanksgiving-ish.

This table setting caught my eye because of the rustic feel. Outdoorsy/rustic/natural seems to work so well with Thanksgiving. And I love those pumpkins sitting on the candle holders! What a great idea.

I put this one on here because of the candle holder placed up on a couple of old books. Love it! It is a really great unique way to get different heights in the tablescape. I don't know if it's something I would do for Thanksgiving, but something I think I will keep in my back pocket.

Okay last one. I just liked this one. It caught me eye. I really like the ribbon tied around the wine glass. I'm going to use that one at Christmas! A great way to add some color to the table.
Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I thought I would end this post with a few things I love most about Thanksgiving...
*The smells!
*Waking up to the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
*Getting to listen to Christmas music for the first time (yes I always try my hardest to hold off on Christmas until Thanksgiving).
*Getting to eat amazing decadent food all day and not feeling the least bit guilty about it, because it's Thanksgiving and that is what you are suppose to do!
*Candles lit and a fire roaring in the fireplace.
*Getting all dressed up in my Thanksgiving day outfit.
*Nursing a great glass of wine as I cook.
*Having family in the kitchen all helping to prepare the feast.
*Setting the dinning room table with a beautiful Thanksgiving theme.
*The kitchen table set up with yummy appetizers that you definitely don't need to eat but so enjoy anyway.
*After dinner coffee and pie!
*Getting my jammies on after dinner and sitting around doing a puzzle and watching a Christmas movie.
*All the nostalgia and childhood memories the holiday brings.
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