Happy Halloween!!!
I know it's a little late, but I wanted to share my Halloween decorations for this year with you guys (and I just finished them).
I want to keep our decorations more creepy than scary, with my little munchkin in the house now. Some of the stuff out there nowadays is just gross and disturbing. I'm going to stick to bats, rats, spiders, black cats, and pumpkins from now on.
The spiders are a play on my fighter pilot husband's call sign "Spydr". Thought that was kind fun.
My all time favorite place for Halloween decorations in the Dollar Store, where I got the black "creepy cloth", the spiders 2/pack, rats, and the "cobwebs". I got the little pumpkins at Walmart last year on sale for $0.50. My Mom got me the Jack-O-Lantern thing years ago. It's lights up and I love it.
I'm in LOVE with my Halloween subway art. It was a free printable I downloaded HERE and printed at Staples for like $1 and then used a frame I already had (and swapped out one of our wedding pictures :)
All in all I spent maybe around $5 for mantle decorations this year.
These were some odds and ends I already had and just threw them up on our shelves with some of the cobwebs.
In the kitchen I went with a Jack-O-Lantern theme. Normally I put out all of my Fall and Halloween decorations at the same time, then put Halloween away for Thanksgiving. But this year I just put up Halloween-y things and will take those down and put up Fall decorations. I love it. Much more festive and I won't get sick of everything being up for 2 months.
Here's a bunch of stuff I liked and just threw on this table in our foyer. I probably should have edited it down, but didn't feel like it. Oh well. Fun.
The one place I didn't do Halloween specific decorations was on the outside of the house. I really wanted to make a Halloween wreath this year. Oh well, next year.
I love my Fall wreath. I just used a $3 grape vine wreath from Michael's, made a bow, and stuck some grape-y leaf things in there. I love wreaths. It's the easiest way to instantly make the outside of your house festive.
My husband has been trying for years to overtake the title of "Pumpkin Master" from Dad. He still has a ways to go (my Dad is AMAZING) but he's getting really close! Love this big pumpkin eating the smaller one.
And, of course, the F-16/Spydr pumpkin.
But you didn't think that's all there was to it, did you??
You wouldn't if you knew my husband....
The back is carved out to display his name "Spydr" when the pumpkin is lit. He cracks me up :)
Note the details...complete with little pumpkin missles. HA!
Okay.. have a big batch of chili in the crockpot, pumpkin seeds waiting to be roasted, a bowl of candy by the door, one last pumpkin to be carved, and a baby girl ready to go Trick-Or-Treating for the first time! Happy Halloween everyone!!
Love your decorations! I still have a LONG way to go! buying a house full of decorations would be SO expensive, so every year I buy one new thing. Which of course is going to take a long time to collect a house full of decorations, but its really our only choice because I don't want to spend our entire budget on decorations! I'm actually on my way out the door right now to check out the sales on Halloween decorations!
Love Brian's pumpkins!
I know what you mean B. It would kill me to pay full price for holiday decorations, so I get everything at the after-holiday sales. I just picked up some great spider decorations for the front of the house for next year.
And don't forget the dollar store for pre-season decorations. They have great Halloween stuff if you really look. I got some cute ceramic birds and stuck them in spanish moss "nests" for Easter last year. It forces you to be a little creative, which is fun.
And I'm really loving getting creative with things I already have around the house for decorations. It also saves on decoration storage space!
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