Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Decorations 2011

Happy Halloween!!! I know it's a little late, but I wanted to share my Halloween decorations for this year with you guys (and I just finished them). .I want to keep our decorations more creepy than scary, with my little munchkin in the house now. Some of the stuff out there nowadays is just gross and disturbing. I'm going to stick to bats, rats, spiders, black cats, and pumpkins from now on. The spiders are a play on my fighter pilot husband's call sign "Spydr". Thought that was kind fun. My all time favorite place for Halloween decorations in the Dollar Store, where I got the black "creepy cloth", the spiders 2/pack, rats, and the...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Mac & Cheese

Yes, that's right. Pumpkin Mac and Cheese. I saw this recipe and thought, "I HAVE to try that!" Friends of ours are having a "Pumpkin Party" this Saturday and everyone is to bring a pumpkin food or beverage (I'm going to be so pumpkined out after this month! I think I've had something pumpkiny like everyday! :) So I figured everyone will probably bring something sweet because there aren't too many savory pumpkin recipes that come to mind. I was searching through recipes for something different to bring to the table, and I came across this Rachel Ray recipe: Pumpkin Cheddar Mac & Cheese I did a test run last night and cut the recipe...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vegan Pumpkin Bread (and Muffin) Recipe

Let me start by confessing that the main reason this is vegan is that I was out of eggs and too lazy to run to the store. Our friends invited us to dinner tonight and insisted we didn't need to bring anything, so I needed something that would eliminate my guilt at showing up completely empty handed, while also not completely disregarding her request. I scanned my pantry and fridge and it didn't look promising until I noticed the can of pumpkin I've been saving for something special. I thought a pumpkin bread would be perfect. It can be served as a dessert or saved for breakfast and snacks. I was out of eggs, so tracked down...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Easy Halloween Craft

I did a Halloween craft!! I think I'm really starting to get into this crafting thing. I really enjoyed making these! Aren't they cute? I got the idea and "How To" here. I was looking for a craft to do and I thought they looked fun, cheap, and easy. And they were! They were pretty hard to mess up and easy to make them look good. I used orange, red, and purple tissue paper and came up with the faces myself. You can't see in the picture but I also added some glitter so they are pretty and sparkly during the day. When Austin saw them he was shocked that I made them! He said "Really? I thought you bought those". Always a good sign. When my...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello Autumn!

I thought a good first post for me after our SisBliss hiatus would be to write about my favorite time of year, the fall! And everything I love so much about the season. It will be hard to sum up and put into words, but here goes... Ever notice how the fall just kinda creeps in? I can always feel the Earth changing. Even those last few days of Summer in September when the weather is still warm, there is something different about the air, the sun. Then you get that first cool, cloudy day and BAM! It's Fall. Time to pack away summer and pull out fall decorations! My favorite part of any season is getting to decorate! I love the excitement...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tiffany's Garden Results 2011

I mentioned back in April that I was attempting to start a garden from seeds this year for the first time. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but really intimidated me. I figured the best way to get over that was just to jump in and give it my best shot. And, to my utter astonishment, they actually grew!! I'm not sure why that was surprising, given that's what seeds were designed by God to do...but it just simply amazed me to watch them grow. But I couldn't keep them protected forever inside my home. Eventually the big moment came to move them outside out into the big world and see how they would do. I felt like a nervous...