One of the things I have been working on is spring cleaning and landscaping and it feel soooooo good! I really believe a clean, un-cluttered house is the key to peace and happiness! My mind feels so much more calm when the house and yard are in order. It is a lot of work, but I always feel really good after a day of yard work or cleaning. Because I know I've worked hard and I can see the results.
Something I have to work on rather regularly is defusing negative energy. Unfortunately negative energy is so strong. I've said this before, but being a happy positive person doesn't always come super natural to me. Fighting negative energy is just something I might have to always battle with. But I'm okay with that, I think being a positive person is worth it! When I feel that negative energy creeping up, there has been some things that I have been doing to try and get rid of it that I would like to share with you all. It seems to have been working for me so maybe it will work for you too, if you struggle with negative energy as I do (and I think it effects all of us from time to time.)
1. I have been taking a lot of B vitamins, the "happy vitamins", and I think I really notice a difference. I feel calmer and more focused. My mind isn't as easily stressed out about all I need to do that day. I've been trying to drink water all day as well.
2. If I happen to wake up on the wrong side of the bed, which happens quite a bit, I will come downstairs and turn on some calming, yet up-lifting music and open the window a crack, even if it's cold out. Then I sit and take a couple deep breathes and fill my mind with thoughts of spring! The music and fresh air really help cleanse the soul.
3. Taking a walk is one of the best things you can do for yourself I think. When I walk now, I try to clear my mind of the days tasks. I try to use my walk as time to clear my head and take in the beauty of the world around me!
4. I know I repeat this a lot, but that's because it is so important! A clean house! I know it isn't always easy to keep a clean house. To be honest mine is rarely squeaky clean. But it is definitely something I am trying to work on this month. Because I notice such a huge difference in my mood when the house is clean!
5. I always give myself something to look forward to. Something short term, like getting the chance to hang out with my husband that night and the fun stuff we could do. Something long term, I always try to have something planned for that weekend. And something long long term, Austin and I are always planning our next trip together! All this really helps keep my mind focused on all the fun positive stuff ahead!
Well these were just a few things that I have been doing lately that I wanted to share. I will be writing more about My Big Spring Purge soon!!!
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