Sunday, December 2, 2012

Healthy Christmas Cookie Recipe Roundup

I woke up this morning and realized it's already Christmas Cookie Season again! I better get a move on! Especially since I'm less than a month from my due date with Baby Girl #2!! I have my usual favorites from childhood, but I just can't bring myself to make those refined-sugar/flour cookies for myself, friends, and family this year.  So I set out to find some "healthified" Christmas cookies that are festive, taste great, and that I would feel good about eating and sharing. This is a long list, and I don't plan on making them all, but I thought I'd share my roundup of the recipes I'm considering trying out. I will...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Girl Room Inspriation: Pink and Blue

Now that I'm more than halfway through my second pregnancy, I'm starting to get antsy to move my First Born over to her big girl room so we can put Baby Girl #2 in the nursery. I've been a little sad for months thinking of her moving out of her crib, but I'm so excited about this new phase too. Especially the decorating part! (It's better to focus on than how big my first baby is getting!) I've been scouring the internet for the past few months already to figure out what I wanted to do in the new room for a "Big Girl", and think I'm finally at the point of finalizing some decisions. I was originally...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Free Halloween Cupcake Toppers and Party Printables

  I'm really excited we were able to round up some friends to come over for Halloween this year! Every year after Trick-or-Treating is done, I'm always ready to hang out with friends and party, but most people usually have other things going on. Not this year! My two year old has a couple of her friends coming over and I cannot wait to see them dressed up and Trick-or-Treating.     I'm keeping the food simple and making the family tradition of a crock pot full of Chili with all the fixin's, some Corn Chowder with Chilies, pumpkin bread (from the Trader Joe's mix..soo good) with homemade Sugar Free Slow...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Preparation Tips

Greetings from Hurricane Sandy Central. And I mean that literally. Every projected path but one has it headed directly at us! Hanging out on the pile of outdoor cushions brought in from outside during storm prep! I thought last night was supposed to be bad, but now it looks like today and tonight will be the worst. Last night and this morning it's just been raining from pretty heavy to light or not at all. Right now it doesn't even seem like a bad thunderstorm, except for the occassional wind gust that makes you go "Oohh..that's got a little power behind it. Clearly this storm means business." There is a tiny bit of flooding in the...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Simple Blueberry Cream Biscuits Recipe

So long Blueberry Muffins! Brittany found this recipe in a magazine for Blueberry Cream Biscuits and made them for Easter morning this past year. They were SO good. It's such a simple recipe, it's something I easily would have passed by. But I'm SO glad she didn't. They are one of my new favorite treats. I'll take these over blueberry muffins any day now. Plus they are so simple and take just a few minutes to throw together. I stick any extras in the freezer and pop them in the microwave for a few seconds if I need a little snack with my tea or to have something nice to serve if a friend stops by.  I'll definitely be making these for years to come! Blueberry Cream Biscuits 2 cups All-Purpose Flour 2 t Baking Powder 2 T Sugar 1/2 t Salt 1/4 t nutmeg 1 cup Blueberries 1...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Tribute to Our Mom

Our Mom shaped us into who we are today, so I didn't think it was fitting to have a blog written by my sisters and I without including this tribute we wrote and read at her memorial service in June.      Stephanie 1 Corinthians 13:13 says: And now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. I've heard this scripture many times before, and it's such a simple line, but it has never had more meaning to me than now. Faith and hope have certainly helped carry us through these last few weeks...but The greatest of these is love.. and when I think about my mom, all I see is love. When...

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Perfect Start...

I had to take a moment to share with you my most wonderful morning. It's the kind of morning that is so beautiful and the weather is so incredibly perfect, that you could just cry! There is a light, cool fall breeze blowing, the sun is shining crisp in the sky, and even the hummingbirds and butterflies in my yard seem a little extra happy today. I was so enjoying the butterflies joyful floating around my flowers that I couldn't help but get up and join them. I snapped a few quick shots that I thought you might enjoy as much as I did. Can you spot the butterflies?? A...