Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Earn free gifts cards

There are few things in life that bring me more bliss than free gift cards! So I'm especially excited to share this new site I discovered through called, where you can earn free gift cards to places like Starbucks,, and (certain to get my hubby on board) Home Depot. As if free gift cards aren't enough, once I checked the site out I was really excited. The mission of the site is to help people to improve their lives by celebrating simple feats. You can set goals or "feats", like making your bed daily, eating fresh fruit, cooking a homemade meal. So things you might do anyways....

We're Still Here!! Sorry!

I don't know why any of us didn't put this post up sooner, but we're so sorry we took such a loooong break from blogging. Good news though! We've been spending a lot of time lately working on our concept for the blog, regular features we want to start, ways to be better organized between the 3 of us, even a new look for the site. We are going to get back to our original purpose for the blog, as a way for us 3 sisters to keep up with each others' lives while encouraging each other (and hopefully others!) along the way. We are really excited to get back into regular posts again soon! Thanks for your patience and support! The Sis Bliss Sisters, Tiffany, Stephanie, and Brittan...