Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Storage Container Tips

Steph, Good question about where to find the best storage containers. You've come to the right place. I'm (borderline) obsessed with them. One of my biggest dreams is to be completely cardboard box free in our house. We are getting close! For plastic storage totes,  my favorite places is, surprisingly,  Lowes! I try to find those standard size (I think 18 gallon) plastic totes that I use for most of my storage for around $5, like this one here. I've had the best luck there. Target and Walmat don't have nearly as big of a selection as Lowe's. They have a whole huge aisle (or 2!) dedicated to all kind of storage bins,...

Monday, October 25, 2010

I am focusing this week on getting organized! Tiff, post what you used to organize (i.e. bins you used...etc.) and where I can buy them. I know you can buy organizing stuff almost anywhere but I like to hear what works for other people. I wish I could do a weekly plan but my weeks are always changing. Like sometimes we work late and I just don't feel like coming home to cook and clean... or whatever it was I wanted to accomplish that day. And I don't want to set unrealistic goals for myself because then I feel like a failure if I don't accomplish them. I work better with mini goals that I create the day before or the day of. Yesterday I decided that today I was going to get our winter clothes more organized (sweaters and jackets take up so much room!) and also find...

Weekly Plan: TT

I'm excited about getting back into planning out my goals for the week! It feels so great to give a purpose to each day so I know what to do with my "free time" while Lizzy is napping (which keeps getting shorter..we're working on that), to feel like I'm working everyday on my personal goals, and to know when my housework is "done" for the day.  I found myself spending way too much time yesterday just thinking of all the things I wanted to do and all the different (countless, really) ways I could plan out the week. I'm working on a way to streamline that a bit...maybe at least a concrete plan for things I need to do on a regular basis like dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, etc. I also want to make a weekly spreadsheet template. I'll keep you posted! So here's what...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How about we start with a better picture?! ...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Getting Started

Hey guys! I'm so excited about our plans for sharing how to help each other get our lives in order through the blog! I've been taking baby steps to get things going, but have made some great progress!! As you know I completed my first craft for the month! A 5 year old could have done it but I was still very proud of myself! Because I had an idea and I made it happen! Yes it was an easy craft but it was still a lot of fun! I figure starting small is probably better anyways so I don't get overwhelmed and feel I want to quit. Even walking around Micheal's was a big accomplishment for me! Those craft stores can intimidated me. But I felt just walking around and getting acquainted with the store was a big step. My next project will be getting back into painting. And again I'm going to...

Need to start somewhere..

We've been talking so much about getting the blog going, so I thought I would just pull the trigger and start one. If we don't do it now, we probably never will! Let's just start posting and see where it goes from there. We'll figure out what we want out of it as we go along. For me, I just really want a place for us to 1) share what's going on in our lives; and 2) help keep each other on task with our little "life improvement" projects.  I know we've all been feeling a little lost and confused about what we want out of our "new lives" now that you two are newlyweds and things are settling down around here for me since Elizabeth was born (I'll just call her EB from now on, since that's what's you guys have been calling her..and it's much easier than typing out her full name!...